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岩清水久生さん(空間鋳造)の南部鉄瓶 Sayu(小)ピュアブラック



— いまの暮らしに溶け込む、美しい鉄器。 — 『空間鋳造』は、盛岡市出身の岩清水久生さんが2009年に設立した工房です。家業が鋳物業だった岩清水さんは、大学卒業後、デザイン会社勤務を経て、奥州市水沢区で鋳物師の道に入りました。ここではスタッフとともに、鉄瓶や急須を中心にオーナメント、茶托などの小物も制作しています。 Beautiful ironware that blends into modern life. Pursuing the texture of iron with a unique technique "grilled surface polishing" Kukan Casting is a workshop established in 2009 by Hisao Iwashimizu from Morioka City. After graduating from university, Mr. Iwashimizu, whose family business was a metal casting business, worked at a design company before becoming a metal casting artist in Mizusawa, Oshu City. At the workshop, we work with the staff to create accessories such as ornaments and teacups, mainly iron kettles and teapots. In order to reproduce the beauty and value of Nambu tetsubin, which is produced by the baking method that has been handed down from ancient times, by using the modern raw mold method, Mr. Iwashimizu has been working on his own technology exploration. Inspired by kamayaki, one of the traditional production processes for tetsubin, Mr. Iwashimizu devised a unique technique that is known as a unique technique in which the surface of the cast ironware is scraped and polished, and then baked with charcoal. It's "baked skin polish". The beautiful "casting surface" that gives the natural texture of iron has thin unevenness on the surface, and each one has a different expression. White ironware "champagne (platinum)" that attracts "craft lovers" Mr. Iwashimizu, who had pursued “black” in pursuit of the natural texture of iron, gradually became interested in his coloring. Therefore, we created products painted in traditional Japanese colors such as “brown”, “vermillion”, and “green bamboo”. And he ended up with "white". 高さ:145mm(ツルを含む高さ) 横幅:150mm(注ぎ口を含む長さ) 奥行:130mm(注ぎ口を含まない長さ) 重量:1,040g 容量:0.5L(満水容量) 熱源:IH対応、ガス火 内側の処理:釜焼き仕上げ ■岩清水久生さん 盛岡市出身。盛岡市の鋳物工場に生まれ育つ。デザイナーから転身し、鉄器職人の道へ。2009年に独立し「空間鋳造」を設立。 伝統を継承しつつも、研ぎ澄まされた2000 年ニューヨーク近代美術館 MOMA SHOP出品。2003年「日本クラフト展」優秀賞受賞。2004年「工芸都市高岡2004クラフトコンペ」グランプリ受賞。2016年、第266代ローマ法王(フランシスコ)への献上品製作。 ■ストーリー https://tenote.kurashi-co.com/?p=3590
